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The San Francisco Oracle edited by Allen Cohen (Regent Large Softcover)
Blues All Around Me by B.B. King (1st Edition Avon Hardcover)
Walk Through Walls by Marina Abramovic (1st Edition Crown Archetype Hardcover)
Japanese Characters by Uncredited (Japanese Travel Bureau Trade)
The Wisdom of Laotse edited by Lin Yutang (Modern Library Hardcover)
Black Culture and Black Consciousness by Lawrence W. Levine (Oxford University Trade)
Water Birds of California by Howard L. Cogswell (University of California Trade)
South American Indian Languages edited by Harriet E. Manelis Klein (University of Texas Hardcover)
A Man With a Camera by Nestor Almendros (FSG Trade)
The Hill We Climb by Amanda Gorman (1st Edition Viking Hardcover)
Getting it Together: Black Businessmen in America by John Seder (1st Edition Harcourt Hardcover)
A Wild Way to Eat by Euell Gibbons (Uncredited Trade)
Modern Painting by Michel Hoog (Golden Paperback)
Nothing In This Book is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are by Bob Frissell (Frog Trade)
New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton (New Directions Trade)
Symbolism by Robert Goldwater (1st Printing Harper & Row Trade)
Reflections: Columns From the Los Angeles Times by Al Martinez (Los Angeles Times Trade)
Forgotten Women by Zing Tsjeng (Brazen Hardcover)
The Living Thoughts of Kierkegaard edited by W.H. Auden (New York Review of Books Trade)
The Complete Handbook of Robotics by Edward L. Safford (1st Printing Tab Trade)
Zen in the Art of the Tea Ceremony by Horst Hammitzsch (Arkana Trade)
A New World of Gods and Monsters by James Whale (Faber and Faber Trade)
Seven Samurai and other Screenplays by Akira Kurosawa (Faber and Faber Trade)
The Film That Changed My Life edited by Robert K. Elder (Cappella Trade)
Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel (Vintage Trade)
Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico by Jorge Enciso (Dover Trade)
The Language of Instinct by Steven Pinker (Harper Perennial Trade)