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Big Squishy Heart by Izzi Lee (Independent Zine)
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My Lesbian Novel by Renee Gladman (Dorothy Project Trade)
The Trunk by Kim Ryeo-Ryeong (Hanover Square Hardcover)
Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs (Grove Trade)
They Came from Outer Space edited by Jim Wynorski (Book Club Edition Hardcover)
2001 A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke (Book Club Edition Hardcover)
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott (Dover Hardcover)
Death Valley by Melissa Broder (Scribner Hardcover)
Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (Anchor Trade)
There There by Tommy Orange (Alfred A. Knopf Hardcover)
Chez Panisse Fruit by Alice Waters (1st Printing Harper Collins Hardcover)
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin (Book Club Edition Hardcover)
The Language of Instinct by Steven Pinker (Harper Perennial Trade)
Design Motifs of Ancient Mexico by Jorge Enciso (Dover Trade)
The Winds of Change and other stories by Isaac Asimov (Book Club Edition Hardcover)
Weather by Jenny Offill (1st Printing Alfred A. Knopf Hardcover)
Rag: Stories by Maryse Meijer (Farrar, Straus and Giroux Trade)
Zen in the Art of Archery by Eugen Herrigel (Vintage Trade)
The Same Door by John Updike (Vintage Trade)
Resistance, Rebellion, and Death by Albert Camus (Modern Library Hardcover)
Clockwork Lives by Kevin J. Anderson (ECW Hardcover)
The Film That Changed My Life edited by Robert K. Elder (Cappella Trade)
Virgil Kills: Stories by Ronaldo V. Wilson (Nightboat Trade)
What is Truth? by Ted Hughes (Faber and Faber Hardcover)
Memoirs of a Beatnik by Diane Di Prima (Penguin Trade)
Seven Samurai and other Screenplays by Akira Kurosawa (Faber and Faber Trade)
3 Tragedies by Fedrico Garcia Lorca (New Directions Trade)
California Sketches by Mark Twain (Dover Trade)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back by Donald F. Glut (Book Club Edition Hardcover)
Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker by George Lucas (Book Club Edition Hardcover)
Han Solo at Stars' End by Brian Daley (Book Club Edition Hardcover)