I have been an employee at A Good Used Book for 28 months now, a small town librarian for 10, and a person alive during a pandemic for 23. I have read books that I have not tallied, learned facts that I have now forgotten. I have memorized the steps of an at-home test. I have run out of shelf space.
To this, Annie Dillard would say, "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives" and I would nod my head. I would tell her how grateful I am to have work that I love: to be in the business of peddling the language and wisdom of others. "Annie," I would say, "thank you for writing."
And you all would be there too, and I would thank you for reading. I would turn to Jenny and Chris, the founders of A Good Used Book, and thank them too - for their endurance, their care, their patience, and their vision. I would step off my soap box and, hopefully, sell you some books.
Weekly Story Sale / Thursday February 10, 2022
Sarah J. Bofenkamp is a reader, writer, and librarian living in Palouse, Washington.